Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Slice of Life - "Doing Nothing"

Doing Nothing

I’m reading a biography of Teddy Roosevelt and it is amazing to me all that he did in his life.  It seems that he was always working one something, writing a book, running for office, attending or hosting a party, or just in general doing something.  How is it I just had seventeen “days off” from school and spent so much time doing nothing?

It’s not like I did nothing at all.  There was lots of family time as we celebrated four Christmases. I read nine books, got to be a full-time parent for a bit, played a round of disc golf, and did some stuff that needed to be done.  But I also spend so much free-time accomplishing nothing.  Maybe that’s my issue.  Not that I did nothing, but that I accomplished nothing.

I’m a night owl and it seems I spent hours, playing Candy Crush, surfing the web, reading inane articles about the Broncos (and the resulting comments/flame wars), or watching dumb stuff on TV.  “I should be sleeping! This is dumb, why am I staying up so late? At least do some writing or plan the rest of the school year.”  These were the thoughts I berated myself with often: and then I just kept on doing nothing.  While I did nothing, at least I was really tired the next day.  What was the point of it all?

I am still trying to figure that out.  It’s not like I do nothing only during breaks.  There are way too many wasted hours in my life and I have so much to do, or that I should do, or could do?  There are books to write, blogs to respond to, love poems to craft, art to practice, businesses to start, events to organize, dreams to realize.

Am I really taking time to recharge my introverted self after an extroverted job or am I actually doing nothing?


  1. I like the simplicity of just taking about ding nothing. It never really occurred to me as something you could talk about. I like the ending also.

  2. I agree with JP, the ending is quite wonderful. I also really like the juxtaposition between Roosevelt's activity and your own doing-nothingness.

  3. Doing nothing isn't so bad because sometimes doing nothing is a good way to get away from the normal bustle of life and, like you said you can spend time with family. The problem begins when doing nothing becomes boring.

  4. I can relate to that a lot. I also like the end and I just think it kind of funny about how much you go into detail about doing nothing. I really like the picture

  5. I also have an issue with doing nothing for the entire break, but once I get off of break, I get a lot of stuff done, be it reading, work, cleaning, whatever.

  6. I agree with everyone and I like the end
